Wednesday, June 26, 2013


So yesterday just before I slept (I was having trouble sleeping) I was asking God is He will just give me a word. Whether it applies to my life right now or not, it doesn't matter. I want to hear from Him again. So God gave me this word about FRIEND.

Everyone have friends, at least ONE. And the thing about friends is this: you always talk to them, they influence you, and you sometimes just wanna be just like them. People that you hang around with will affect you, in a good way or a bad way. And if you say that Jesus is your friend, then likewise He will influence us too. When we take Jesus as our friend, we will become more like Him. You will like what your friend likes, you will behave like how your friends behave. If Jesus has a lifestyle of prayer and fasting, then we too should also learn to have a lifestyle of prayer and fasting.

A friend is someone you can confide in, someone you can seek refuge under, someone that means something to you. I'm not perfect but I'm still learning to try to talk to Jesus in my heart every moment of the day. As you spend more time with Him, you will naturally also become more Christ-like. It is synonymous.

Will you befriend Jesus today?
I am a friend of God, He calls me friend.

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