Saturday, June 1, 2013


What is praise?
• It is like a compliment
•In, it says that praise is 'the act of expressing approval or admiration; commendation'
• 'The offering of grateful homage in words or song, as an act of worship'
•Psalms 100

Through the season of easter, let us remember again WHY we praise God. And the reason is simple — because He gave His only son to die for our sins! And just like what 1 Chronicles 16:25 says "for the Lord is great, and greatly to be praised"

So WHEN do we praise God?
• Anytime!
• "to stand every morning to thank and praise the Lord, and likewise at evening"(I Chronicles 23:30)

When we praise God, we praise Him wholeheartedly. And this means to leave everything behind.
So now, I want you to write all your worries on a piece of paper, whatever you are stressed about, whether is it your exams, or relationship or friendship issues, or work, or anything, just write it down. Pray about it. At the end of the prayer, tear the paper up. As you tear the paper, think of God removing the trouble for you.

This whole sharing came about when I was eating my dinner and I hear a cell group going on upstairs. They are definitely not english cell group. Probably indonesian or Philippino cell group. I realized that when they praise, they really sound very happy. They laugh, they even do actions (I can tell because of the irregular clapping). Then it made me think, if other people's cg can be like that, why cant we? I'm not trying to compare who is louder or anything, but the heart that you praise God with.

Questions to ponder about:
1. What is the trouble that you are facing right now that is stopping you from praising God?
2. What can you do about it?

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