Saturday, June 1, 2013

30 April 2013


He tried to flee from the presence of God. Just like us sometimes we just don't want to go to church, or do something the God asks us to do. But God always has a way of bringing us back. Sometimes, God's method is through a trial.

Trials that bring you closer back to God. But note — Jonah was still in the belly of the whale UNTIL he prayed and sincerely want to do what God has told him to do. Hence, trials aren't necessarily bad. Be it big trials, or small trials, when something happens, just look to the Lord in prayer.

I have never shared this with anyone before, not even my cell group members know about this, so whoever that reads this will be the first to know. I invited Jesus into my heart when I was Primary 3. I didn't know what that meant when I was like 9, but I made that prayer anyway. Throughout my primary school years, I'm on and off believing and then doubting christianity. I didn't go church because my family isn't a christian family. So sometimes I will secretly say a prayer and just hope that the man up there (if he actually existed) will answer my prayer. I never forgot the day I made that prayer.. and then I lived my life as if I didn't say such a prayer. But guess what? God brought me back! Just like Jonah. Though I didn't purposely slide away or anything, but I just didn't know how.

Anyway, I thank God I'm back in His house now. I believe that once God has called you to something, you cannot run away from it.

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