Saturday, June 1, 2013

1 June 2013

"Use me.."

Many times, in church we always learn to ask God to use us. To let us be the salt and light in the marketplace and school. More often than never, people forget what happens BEFORE God can use you. Just like how we pick the ripe fruits at the supermarket, God also chooses us. And God only choose us when we are ready or ripe.

In the context of the potter and the clay.

We all start out as a block of clay, without form. Or probably just one random slab of clay.. Then we call out to God "use me.. to be the salt of the earth and light of the world" but how can God use us when we are just a slab of unformed clay? This is when God need to mold us.. into a cup/vase/etc so that we can be 'used by Him'. Many people give up when God is molding us because it is painful and the final product is nowhere to be seen. This is the time when you must hang on even closer to the potter! 

A cup/vase/etc can only be hard and utilized properly when it has gone through molding and the fiery furnace. If we want God to use us, we similarly have to go through the painful process of molding and the furnace that seem like hell. We have to keep our eyes locked on the final 'prize'.

Philippians 3:14
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
The process might not be quick, but if we really want God to use us, it will be worth it.

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