Wednesday, June 26, 2013


So yesterday just before I slept (I was having trouble sleeping) I was asking God is He will just give me a word. Whether it applies to my life right now or not, it doesn't matter. I want to hear from Him again. So God gave me this word about FRIEND.

Everyone have friends, at least ONE. And the thing about friends is this: you always talk to them, they influence you, and you sometimes just wanna be just like them. People that you hang around with will affect you, in a good way or a bad way. And if you say that Jesus is your friend, then likewise He will influence us too. When we take Jesus as our friend, we will become more like Him. You will like what your friend likes, you will behave like how your friends behave. If Jesus has a lifestyle of prayer and fasting, then we too should also learn to have a lifestyle of prayer and fasting.

A friend is someone you can confide in, someone you can seek refuge under, someone that means something to you. I'm not perfect but I'm still learning to try to talk to Jesus in my heart every moment of the day. As you spend more time with Him, you will naturally also become more Christ-like. It is synonymous.

Will you befriend Jesus today?
I am a friend of God, He calls me friend.

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Sometimes as we go on with life, we might get burnt out. Or simply get hurt by people's word, actions, or our own failures. Being hurt creates this hole, this scar in our heart. Probably it adds fear into our heart, fear that the same thing might repeat itself again. But today, God told me to not worry. Know that God is our healer, He is Jehova Rapha, God our healer. But it is not use if we just KNOW, we need to claim it! 

How do we claim this gift?
We need to confess it out! Claim it! There is power in confession.

The promises of God are there, all we need to do is to claim them.

Monday, June 10, 2013

(Or what is known as Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.)

I was talking to Merilyn after our work and she told me that she hadn't gone to bible school. But to me she's like knowledgeable and wise about the things of God. Then I wonder why. Before I could ask the question Merilyn replied "I read the word of God!". It almost came like a lightbulb moment to me. This book. THIS ONE BOOK. It contains so much things that is important to us. It is the weapon that we use when we are faced with trials.

Going to every church service and every cell group meeting not necessary make you more knowledgeable and wise, it is about the relationship with God. To me, the bible is like what God wants to say to you, the lessons that we can learn, His promises. It is the one book that is always filled with endless revelations, will cause you to have new encounter with Jesus, a rhema word in season, and probably that one confirmation you need before you make a big decision in your life. The possibilities are endless.

One Bible.
Two Testament.
66 Books.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

1 June 2013

"Use me.."

Many times, in church we always learn to ask God to use us. To let us be the salt and light in the marketplace and school. More often than never, people forget what happens BEFORE God can use you. Just like how we pick the ripe fruits at the supermarket, God also chooses us. And God only choose us when we are ready or ripe.

In the context of the potter and the clay.

We all start out as a block of clay, without form. Or probably just one random slab of clay.. Then we call out to God "use me.. to be the salt of the earth and light of the world" but how can God use us when we are just a slab of unformed clay? This is when God need to mold us.. into a cup/vase/etc so that we can be 'used by Him'. Many people give up when God is molding us because it is painful and the final product is nowhere to be seen. This is the time when you must hang on even closer to the potter! 

A cup/vase/etc can only be hard and utilized properly when it has gone through molding and the fiery furnace. If we want God to use us, we similarly have to go through the painful process of molding and the furnace that seem like hell. We have to keep our eyes locked on the final 'prize'.

Philippians 3:14
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
The process might not be quick, but if we really want God to use us, it will be worth it.

25 May 2013


Pastor Phil preached about obedience last week and I went down for the altar call. Then right there and then, God showed me something about obedience. Note how the word OBEDIENCE is spelled?


Right in the middle of the word 'obedience' there is the word 'die'. God just reminded me that when you want to obey Him, when you want to follow Him and do His will. Something on the inside has to die, and will die. It also means that when you want to do what God has called you to do, you have to leave something behind.

Obedience is a sacrifice!

It is not easy to always obey and follow what God has planned for me. But I believe that there will be this one day I will be able to do what God has called me to.

30 April 2013


He tried to flee from the presence of God. Just like us sometimes we just don't want to go to church, or do something the God asks us to do. But God always has a way of bringing us back. Sometimes, God's method is through a trial.

Trials that bring you closer back to God. But note — Jonah was still in the belly of the whale UNTIL he prayed and sincerely want to do what God has told him to do. Hence, trials aren't necessarily bad. Be it big trials, or small trials, when something happens, just look to the Lord in prayer.

I have never shared this with anyone before, not even my cell group members know about this, so whoever that reads this will be the first to know. I invited Jesus into my heart when I was Primary 3. I didn't know what that meant when I was like 9, but I made that prayer anyway. Throughout my primary school years, I'm on and off believing and then doubting christianity. I didn't go church because my family isn't a christian family. So sometimes I will secretly say a prayer and just hope that the man up there (if he actually existed) will answer my prayer. I never forgot the day I made that prayer.. and then I lived my life as if I didn't say such a prayer. But guess what? God brought me back! Just like Jonah. Though I didn't purposely slide away or anything, but I just didn't know how.

Anyway, I thank God I'm back in His house now. I believe that once God has called you to something, you cannot run away from it.

23 May 2013

Sometimes, walking in darkness might not be the worst thing of all. I believe that God brings us to the dark valleys and pits to remind us that He is the light. Because only in the dark, you can see the light and you can tell when God is there. It does not mean that God isn't there when we are in the light, some of us forgets that God is constantly blessing us. For every single breathe, for every single day that we wake up to.



What is praise?
• It is like a compliment
•In, it says that praise is 'the act of expressing approval or admiration; commendation'
• 'The offering of grateful homage in words or song, as an act of worship'
•Psalms 100

Through the season of easter, let us remember again WHY we praise God. And the reason is simple — because He gave His only son to die for our sins! And just like what 1 Chronicles 16:25 says "for the Lord is great, and greatly to be praised"

So WHEN do we praise God?
• Anytime!
• "to stand every morning to thank and praise the Lord, and likewise at evening"(I Chronicles 23:30)

When we praise God, we praise Him wholeheartedly. And this means to leave everything behind.
So now, I want you to write all your worries on a piece of paper, whatever you are stressed about, whether is it your exams, or relationship or friendship issues, or work, or anything, just write it down. Pray about it. At the end of the prayer, tear the paper up. As you tear the paper, think of God removing the trouble for you.

This whole sharing came about when I was eating my dinner and I hear a cell group going on upstairs. They are definitely not english cell group. Probably indonesian or Philippino cell group. I realized that when they praise, they really sound very happy. They laugh, they even do actions (I can tell because of the irregular clapping). Then it made me think, if other people's cg can be like that, why cant we? I'm not trying to compare who is louder or anything, but the heart that you praise God with.

Questions to ponder about:
1. What is the trouble that you are facing right now that is stopping you from praising God?
2. What can you do about it?


Hello. You most probably know who I am so I'll just skip that part. Anyway, Pastor Kong preached about Revelations today and since my cell group leader also talked about it during debrief, I decided to take this step and start this blog. This would be more of like a journal to me.

The reason I want to start this is simple - to remember. Someday I want to scroll back to the first blog post and to thank God for all the goodness and the revelations that I had. My cell group leader also talked about him keeping his revelations in a journal. I'm not the sort of person that love to write a lot of words with pen and paper. So why not make a blog simply for it? I also hope that by using a blog instead of a private journal, I will be able to bless other people when they go through the same situations as me or when they simply want to read short little revelations. :)

I really hope that these posts will be able to bless you like how I was being blessed when God first spoke to me. God bless!