Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Building your house on a ROCK.
24 "Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: 25 and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. 26 But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand:" (Matthew 7:24-26) 
Yesterday I was at JOL meeting and Jo shared an amazing word, I wish that I could type it out here, but I decided not to because this blog is for my own revelation and word that I God spoke to me. So throughout yesterday's meeting, God spoke to me 2 things. Of which, 1 requires GREAT SACRIFICE and FAITH.

Firstly, Jo shared about how we should be a DOer of the Word and not just listen and listen. She said that "you have heard enough, now it is time to apply what you have done!" This kind of reminds me of what I've learn in school. It is a learning cycle. (How a person learns) And I feel that it applies to our walk with Christ also. Everything should be in a cycle so that it doesn't stop. Once it stop, we will feel dry.. We will stumble and fall out.

1) Awareness
When we first come to church, we become aware of a God, of His grace and everything.

2) Exploration (Experience)
Then, we start to explore & experience God through the different encounter during cell group, service and various camps and meetings.

3) Acquisition
Through all the experience, we acquire a brand new revelation and knowledge about God. Bad sadly, most people stop at this stage. We should move on to the next stage which is...

4) Application
This is the part where we put all that we have heard, all that we have learnt into actions. To serve others, to share the gospel, etc. Just like what the verse above said, whoever that hears the Lord and DOES what He says, he is a wise man. So if you hear the word of God and you don't do it, you're like a foolish man that built his house on the sand.

This cycle should not stop, I mean it is a CYCLE. If we stop at a certain stage we will feel dry like "oh, okay lor.. I know there's a God. Yes, God loves me." and that's all you know, then you don't have a real relationship with God, you don't know Him on a personal level. Let's say if you hear God speaking to you "Go into campus ministry!" which is somewhere along the 3rd step but you keep giving excuses that you have no time and everything, then it is stopping you from going to the 4th step of application! And I believe that most of the time, it is when you reach APPLICATION that the breakthrough will come. You will have a brand new awareness, experience.... so on and so fourth.

Also, Jo shared that we cannot experience God and hear from Him unless we stay still and listen to Him. A few days ago, I started this bible reading plan. I wanted to read the bible but I have no idea where to start from so I randomly picked out 2 plans and I started reading them. The first one is called 'She Reads Truth' and the second one is just 'Dating'. They're really quick to read as it is only a few verses each day, that's how I end up doing 2 plans instead of only 1.

So I was saying, yesterday God spoke to me something that requires great sacrifice.. He told me to go to Children's home and bless the children there. By using the talents I have. Singing songs with them and everything. I want to do it, but I don't know how to start. Now I really need to pray that God will guide me to do what He has called me to do.

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