Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I think I'm slowly moving on to the next level in my walk with God. Praise Him for this growth, and I'm glad to be doing what He has placed in my life.

Firstly, let's look at Luke 16..

10 He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much;
12 And if you have not been faithful in what is another man’s, who will give you what is your own?

I have a little sharing to do from this verse. Recently, I personally experience TOO MANY times of what these verse are saying. God gave me little in the beginning, but because I stayed faithful in the little things that He has given me, now He is going to give me much more. And also being faithful to putting others first.

I didn't expect what has been happening the past 1 month plus to happen. The past one month was really a month of breakthrough, especially in terms of relationship with the people in the cell group, even those that are not from my connect group. I thank God for that. People start to open up to me and I am able to sow a seed into their life. Just like what the last line in Desert Song by Hillsongs says 'I know I'm filled to be emptied again. The seed which I receive I will sow'. My past leaders have sown a seed into my life which I am about to do the same, to sow it into the lives of my fellow cg members now that they have opened up their hearts to me. I really really thank God for these breakthroughs. To be able to connect with people beyond my own connect group is something I have never thought I can do, like previously I just kept on thinking 'aiyah my connect group got enough people for me to handle already' but it seems like God gave me MORE! :) I come to realize that I can do many more things, things that are beyond my fixed mindset.

God looks at us beyond our fixed mindset. He knows what we can do, even things that we say we can't.

As for verse 12, I think it really applies to me too. So here's the thing. After stopping for a few weeks, I'm starting to give bible study to one of my connect group member again. I told myself that I have to be faithful in helping her walk with God, I have to commit myself to give her bible study each week. Just yesterday, she told me that her mom asked me if I could give her tuition. It doesn't seem like much but the fact that her mom actually thought about me giving her tuition it meant something already. Also, i think this is how joy comes about. Like what I always learn in Usher Ministry, JOY comes when you put Jesus first, Others second and Yourself last. :) Because when you are faithful in putting Jesus and others first, Jesus will also be faithful in giving you what you need in your life.


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